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In search of Solution for 'Solid Waste Management'

The main objective of an efficient SWM-Solid waste management system is to maximize resource recovery and energy generation from waste in the processing facility and minimize waste disposal in landfills,which ways heavily on our ever shrinking land resources and also is a potential source of air,soil and water contamination.The responsibility of the waste generator lies essentially in proper segregation of the waste which is the core requirement of effective solid waste management
-Divya Sinha (YOJANA Nov-2019)

with reference to above paragraph I have few pictures which gives the evidence of reality on ground.


  1. A very needful initiative.. good work.. keep it up..

  2. More and more people need to hear about this. Good job.keep going...

  3. It is very important and needful startup, we are with you, keep going.....!


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