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'  Real Waste Managers '

Few days before I got opportunity to visit  Municipal Solid Waste management unit at Pune .During that visit whatever I observed and experienced that was very pathatic.We so called  'literate ,Modern' Urban community are the major polluter. Because of having  plenty money  and mainting our lavish lifestyle we creates so much hazardous waste unknowingly. And we want to manage that waste by others which was created by us. Who are those 'others'. Those are real  waste managers in society.We are  little bit environmently safe bacause of them only. We so called 'literate community' feel shamed to pronounce words  about waste such as condoms, sanitary napkins ,Diapers in public. Are we ever go through the user and disposal instruction written on it? Yes or No. Irrespective of that  we simply dumped it into dustbins , open spaces,drainage lines.Our this  hazardous,filthy waste will be pick up by any woman, man or who knows any kid works as waste pickers. Our one mistakes to dispose it without following any proper segregation method takes them such places like a  hell. 
The condoms made up from latex material ,which wrapped into paper and when get in contact with water are no more to degrade. When Sanitary Pads comes in contact with water are no more easy to segregate by bare hands. We the people of literate community responsible to generate waste along with it's negative impact on our ecosystem.

Actually we have to adapt a practices for segregation of waste,which are followed by those real 'Waste Managers.'If this kind of scenario is happened in city like 'Pune' one of the developed city in India,then think about the rest of city and overall status in India.

In conclusion,proper segregation at source is only option to reduce the future impact on our ecosystem. Or else Nature will 'give back to us'  as a return gift.
-Atul Sangita Atmaram.


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