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 ' A Grandmother and her unique enterprises spreads smile among kids in Village'
                                    At my previous blog, I said that peoples in villages are enough capable to think and out a way for their bread and butter. In today's era we called them 'social entrepreneur's. Because of only lack of marketing strategies and linkages along with willpower to expand it,it became limited to for villages.
                                   In today's article a 75 years old grandmother from Apsinga village is social  entrepreneur. When I visited to her and discussed about  innovative work,During our discussion in between she laughs so much and that seems her satisfaction through that livelihood option.
Anyone imagine how does she 300 rupees in only 2 hours per the day. Amazingly she has nothing to do without sitting on a chair at single place in front of her home. That's why I said that  peoples in villages can easily find out a way through 'Jugaad technology' for their earning and ease in life.
She said that ,one fine day she asked to her son for manufacturing tricycles for children's to playing. Then her son brought 13 tricycles from nearby district and from that day she starts earning. At very starting she charges only 5 rupees per hour but now she charges 10 rupees per hour and in average she earns 100 rupees per day with sitting and gossiping with  friends besides to her home and something doing help to her daughter in law for her daily work like cleaning and chopping of vegetables for dinner. Monthly she earns 3000 without any working and that money she directly  keep as her balance. Irrespective of money she earns ,13 kids at a time can play a tricycles very happily and  that gives her very much satisfaction.
                                    Talking about  technologies and about tricycles, the difference in a regular tricycles and grandmother's tricycle is ,it is large in size and very comfortable in riding. It gives sporty adventure because of its same design. Whenever she had visited to some plate and find out that Idea and implement it for her own earning. It gives motivation to others and confidence for starting innovative startups like this. I didn't find any title for this startup but I hope whatever I narrated above that will clear ideas and intention for those who wants to start their crazy ideas.
-Atul Sangita Atmaram


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